Friday 7 October 2016

Editing- 07/10/16

Editing- Friday 7th October 2016.

Today was an inset day, however Izzy and I decided to go into college to edit our music video. Our aim was to get our first draft of the music video complete; adding the footage into the parts of the song that best fit each piece of footage. This way we could get an idea on continuity. Over the next month, Izzy and I plan to add transitions and change the colouring of our music video into a cinematic effect. 

On Tuesday when we last edited, we had established the beginning and the end of the music video. So today's aim was to fill the middle of the song to add footage to the song from beginning to end. We did this by adding the footage we had filmed yesterday, as this was what we needed to complete the narrative. We sorted through the footage and use shots we felt were good in quality and portrayed what we wanted. 
Here, the middle footage was being altered.

After adding all of the middle footage, we had a final edit. Due to the nature of the song and the strong beat, Izzy and I decided that we wanted consistency throughout our music video. We wanted each shot to cut on the beat. We left a small gap in some parts of the footage to accentuate this, whilst in other places we used jump cuts or cutting from one piece of footage to the next continuously. We worked really hard to do this, repeatedly listening to the song and reviewing how it cut. If it was slightly out, we went back and used the razor tool (circled below) on Adobe Premiere Pro to make the cuts sharper.
We then went back over the beginning and end which we had edited before today and made sure that it all pieced together correctly and followed the music correctly, before exporting the file to YouTube. 
After we had reviewed the footage and we were both happy with our first draft edit, we exported the file from Adobe Premiere Pro to enable us to upload it to YouTube.

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