Tuesday 11 October 2016

Audience Feedback- First draft magazine advert

Audience Feedback- First draft magazine advert

I completed the first edit for my magazine advert. Overall, I am happy with the look of it however, I am not sure that the colours work and I think that the cover is too simplistic. For this reason, I completed some audience feedback in order to find out how I can improve. I found:

  • Image result for questionLovely photo but it doesn't it fit the track/artist.
  • Font works but would look even better with a variety of fonts.
  • Coming soon is not conventional for mag adverts for albums
  • Make sure text can be read
  • Institutional elements missing, for example record labels.

I completely agree with this audience feedback and will definitely reconsider my ideas. In hindsight, I do think that I need to re-take my images to suit the male artist that performs the track of my music video, so that all 3 of my media texts link in some way.

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