Friday 21 October 2016

Audience Feedback- Second Draft Magazine Advert

Audience Feedback- Second Draft Magazine Advert

For the second draft edit of my magazine advert, I summarised my findings of what my audience said:
Image result for question

I altered the colouring of the image of Nathan by adjusting the brightness and contrast. 

Initially, I really liked how this brought out the colours of the sky and made all the colours more vivid. 

However, when asking my peers and teachers what they thought, they noticed that the cloud behind Nathan makes it look at though his head is on fire. I hadn't realised this until it was pointed out to me. This could affect the overall feel and distract the audience away from the actual image. For this reason, I decided to change the image on my magazine advert. 

I did however, like the fonts used here and that the top text is black and the bottom text is white. I think this is really simple but effective and effectively contrasts between the two. I will replicate this on the next magazine advert I make. 

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